Thursday 19 January 2017

Action Program of Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for "Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu"

Action Program of APRPC
The year 2017, which will serve as the turning point in the history of highly praising and immortalizing the revolutionary lives and exploits of the great persons of Mt Paektu of Korea, who made undying contributions to the cause of global independence, has dawned.
In response to the appeal made by the International Preparatory Committee to elevate the atmosphere of praising the great leaders of Korea by launching the celebration activities on the international scale, the Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu„ has held, in Karachi, Pakistan, the Asia-Pacific Regional E-seminar on the subject of "General KIM JONG UN and Today's Korea” from Jan 8th to 10th to enumerate the greatness and achievements of the respected His Excellency KIM JONG UN who is carrying forward the revolutionary cause of the leaders of the preceding generations with excellence.
The participants in the E-seminar highly praised His Excellency KIM JONG UN as the Sun of humanity in the 21st century with unanimity, who is building up the DPR of Korea into the invincible power and the mighty bulwark of anti-imperialist and independent forces by dint of matchless grit, iron will, people-loving policy and seasoned leadership.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu” announces its action program as follows in order to add lustre to the greatness and exploits of the Great Persons in Korea and to greet the forthcoming grand international festival in August in this year in which we mark the 105th birthday of HE President KIM IL SUNG, the 75th birthday of HE               KIM JONG IL and 5th anniversary of HE KIM JONG UN’ s election into the highest post of the Party and State of Korea.
1. We shall organize and hold the colorful regional and national events in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu to demonstrate the boundless admiration of the world's progressive peoples for the peerlessly great persons of Korea, who made immortal contributions to the cause of global independence.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee and the national preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in the region will present the gifts, floral baskets, congratulatory messages and letters with the reverent admiration for the great persons of Mt Paektu on the Day of the Sun, the Day of the Shining Star and other occasions.
All the preparatory committees in the Asia-Pacific region will stage different events including celebration gatherings, seminars, film show, lectures on the Day of the Sun, the Day of the Shining Star and other major holidays and occasions, in the very spirit that has started this meaningful year with the significant celebration activity.
In particular, as this April marks the 105th birthday of HE President KIM IL SUNG, the 24th anniversary of electing HE KIM JONG IL Chairman of the Defense Commission of the DPR of Korea and the 5th anniversary of HE KIM JONG UN’ s election into the highest post of the Party and State of Korea, we will organize the regional E-seminar on the greatness and immortal exploits of the great persons of Mt Paektu with excellence.
At the same time, we will engage actively in writing and authoring the books and literary works that laud the greatness of the ideas and leadership of the great persons of Mt Paektu and their noble virtues, as well as introducing the true appearance of Korea
2. We shall launch energetic solidarity activities in support for the Korean people in their just cause to push ahead with the building of the reunified thriving nation, true to the line of the national reunification set forth by the great persons of Mt Paektu.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee and all the national preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in the region will give wide publicity to the immortal exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu dedicated to the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea, as in this year we mark the 45th anniversary of issuing the July 4 Joint Declaration and the 10th anniversary of issuing the Oct 4 Declaration.
Besides, we will conduct the brisk activities in support for and solidarity with the Korean people in their righteous cause to build the thriving and powerful reunified country true to the just and fair line for the national reunification set forth by the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu, despite of all sorts of challenges and difficulties of history.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, in close contact with the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for Peaceful Reunification of Korea, will issue press releases and statements that urge to secure the peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the region by withdrawing the US troops stationed in south Korea and turning the Armistice Agreement into the stable peace mechanism, thus contributing to arousing the international public opinion in favor of the urgent nature of Korea' s reunification.
3. We shall actively contribute to organizing and holding the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu splendidly as the grand international gathering where the peerlessly great persons of Korea are highly lauded.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee, the national preparatory committees and the organizations of friendship and solidarity with the Korean people, and individuals from all walks of life will actively join in the erection of the Monument in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu in  Mt Paektu region on the occasion of the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu, as stipulated in the official statement issued by the International Preparatory Committee at the very outset of this meaningful year.
All the preparatory committees within the region will send the delegations to the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu this August to give the reins to the boundless admiration and applause for the great persons of Mt Paektu, thus making active contributions to the successful holding of the festival. 
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee, supporting and endorsing once again the Appeal and the Official Statement of the International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, will further elevate the seething enthusiasm to praise the great persons of Mt Paektu, closely cooperating with all the regional and national preparatory committees across the world.
Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for
“Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu”

Official Statement of International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”

January 8, 2017

Organizations and individuals from all walks of life in various countries across the world, who aspire to genuine international justice and sustainable peace and prosperity, greeted the auspicious year of 2017 in great joy and festivity.
This year is a meaningful year in which we mark the 105th birthday and 75th birthday of President KIM IL SUNG and His Excellency KIM JONG IL respectively, who have made undying contributions to freedom and independence of Korea and its prosperity and development, and to accomplishment of the cause of global independence, and the 5th anniversary of election of His Excellency KIM JONG UN, who is faithfully carrying forward the cause of leaders of preceding generations, into the highest post of the party and the state of Korea.
International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” , in its inaugural ceremony held last year in October, decided to hold an international grand gathering in praise of peerlessly great persons in Mt Paektu area and Pyongyang in August this year, a month which is associated with exploits of President KIM IL SUNG for Korea’ s liberation and feats of His Excellency KIM JONG IL for Songun leadership.
In order to fully demonstrate the boundless admiration of the world’s progressive peoples towards the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu and to glorify their greatness and immortal exploits for good, International Preparatory Committee declares as follows;
We shall erect the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu in Mt Paektu area which is deeply associated with the immortal exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu.
President KIM IL SUNG, His Excellency KIM JONG IL, and His Excellency                      KIM JONG UN are enjoying the boundless admiration of the world’s progressive peoples as the great persons of Mt Paektu and the Sun of mankind along with Mt Paektu, which is the symbol and spirit of Korea.
We shall magnificently erect the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu on occasion of the forthcoming event, reflecting the ardent desire and inflexible will of progressive mankind to accomplish the cause of global independence by upholding noble intentions of the peerlessly great persons.
International Preparatory Committee will be in charge of erection of the monument, and entrusts the Korean Preparatory Committee with its practical arrangements.
International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” would like to take this opportunity to call upon all the progressive peoples of the world, including the preparatory committees across the world, friendship and solidarity organizations with the Korean people, international democratic organizations and individuals from various circles to actively participate in erection of the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu.
We shall hold the future events in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu under the name of  “International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, adding sequence numbers into its title.
The progressive peoples of the world have made visits to the scared place of the Sun on regular basis, highly praising the peerlessly great persons, in compliance with Declaration of Mt Paektu issued at the “Gathering to Greet the Sun of the 21st Century” held in 2002 on occasion of the 60th birth anniversary of the great His Excellency KIM JONG IL.
Reflecting the unanimous desire of the world’s progressive peoples to immortalize the august name and exploits of the peerlessly great persons by organizing and holding an event in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu more splendidly as a regular international event, we shall indicate sequence numbers of the event, while naming the future event as “International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”.
In this respect, “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” will be  the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu, according to the sequence order of events held in praise of the great persons so far.
Erection of the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu and the International Festival will be momentous events of historic significance in fully demonstrating to the entire world the boundless admiration and respect of the world’s progressive peoples towards the peerlessly great persons.
International Preparatory Committee will fully discharge its responsibility and duty in marking this year as the meaningful year of a turning point in the activities of progressive mankind to praise the revolutionary lives and greatness of the great persons of Mt Paektu, who have accumulated the undying feats in the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.
Preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in various countries, friendship and solidarity organizations with the Korean people, and international democratic organizations shall advance vigorously towards the grand festival of August, enveloping the whole world with seething enthusiasm for praising the great persons of Mt Paektu.
 International Preparatory Committee for
“Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”