Tuesday 9 May 2017

The Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG fought for Peace in Korea and for World Peace

The actual situation on the Korean Peninsula is extremely explosive and near to a war due to the warmongering and nuclear blackmail of the US imperialists against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
They find fault with the self-defensive nuclear and missile programme of the DPRK and recklessly speak about a "military option".
The imperialists and reactionaries slander the DPRK with nonsensical accusations like "threat to world peace". But the DPRK is a peace-loving country.
Remember that the great Leader President Kim Il Sung, whose 105th birthday anniversary we celebrated on the past April 15 and to whom this E-Seminar is dedicated, presented to the 3rd Session of the 5th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK in March Juche 63 (1974) the historic proposal to conclude a peace treaty between the DPRK and the US, and sent a respective letter to the US Congress. This proposal of President Kim Il Sung was enthusiastically hailed and supported by all Koreans in the north, the south and abroad as well as by the peace-loving and progressive mankind. A peace treaty should replace the fragile and instable Armistice Agreement and establish a durable peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula. It was also President Kim Il Sung who proposed to make the Korean Peninsula a nuclear-free zone. Both proposals for peace and denuclearisation are still valid and will always be the principled stand of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the DPRK government. In the early 1990s, when the US imperialists intensified their pressure and nuclear threat against the DPRK and prepared a war under the false pretext of the "north Korean nuclear programme", President Kim Il Sung looked for a peaceful solution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. President Kim Il Sung met the former US president Jimmy Carter in June Juche 83 (1994) and explained to him the DPRK's firm position not to accept sanctions from the US. President Kim Il Sung's firm stand forced the US to cancel their plans for sanctions against the DPRK. Returning from Pyongyang, Carter was overwhelmed by Kim Il Sung's noble personality, virtues and love for peace and justice and praised him as a "great man greater as the American presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln together". Only some days later - on July 8, Juche 83 (1994) - the great and noble heart of President Kim Il Sung stopped to beat forever. Thanks to President Kim Il Sung's rock-firm stand and his Songun politics of military strength and self-defence, a war could be prevented and peace was safeguarded. The framework agreement DPRK-US on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula concluded in October 1994 in Geneva was the great and historic victory of the peace-loving positions and Songun politics of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
The great President Kim Il Sung also fought untiringly for world peace and global independence.
He met many foreign heads of state, prominent figures and progressive people from all continents and explained to them the DPRK's principled positions on international issues.
Not to forget are his struggle for Korea's independent and peaceful reunification. Even on July 7, Juche 83 (1994) - only one day before the end of his glorious life - he signed a document related to the high priority of national reunification. This last signature of President
Kim Il Sung can be seen on the revolutionary site in the truth-village of Panmunjom and remembers eternally all coming generations on his struggle for reunification and peace.
The nuclear force of the DPRK, built by Generalissimo Kim Jong Il and developed and strengthened today by the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, serves to prevent a new war of aggression of the US imperialists and to safeguard peace on the Korean Peninsula as it is the legacy of President Kim Il Sung's glorious life.
The great Leader President Kim Il Sung was a noble and inflexible fighter for reunification and for peace on the Korean Peninsula and for world peace.

Eternal Glory to the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG, the Sun of Mankind!

Martin Lötscher

Member of the International Preparatory Committee
for the 2017 Grand Meeting in Praise of the Great
Persons of Mt. Paektu
Chairman of the Swiss Preparatory Committee
for the 2017 Grand Meeting in Praise of the Great
Persons of Mt. Paektu
Chairman of the Swiss Korea Committee
(KFA Switzerland)
Chairman of the Swiss Juche Idea Study
Group (SJISG)

President Kim Il Sung, Great Sun of the World People

President Kim Il Sung, Great Sun of the World People
North Korea 105 years ago on the 15th of April 1912 in Mangyondae, Korea the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG  was born. He authored the Juche Idea which is the torch of human independence and was the founder of People's Korea. He was an ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander, gifted military strategist, architect of socialist construction and one of the outstanding leaders of the international communist and revolutionary movement.

The respected leader comrade Kim Il Sung whom the Korean and world people hold in high esteem is revered today as the greatest leader of the working class who with extraordinary wisdom, outstanding ability of leadership and lofty communist virtues, has been devoting all his life to the sacred cause of the revolution for the independence of the working masses.

During the long period since he embarked on the road of revolution at an early age, the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung led the extremely arduous and complex Korean revolution to victory, treading a previously untrodden path   thus making a great contribution to the world revolution. The great leader President Kim Il Sung was always an internationalist and considered the Korean revolution to be an integral part of the world revolution and that the Korean communists  to be a steel-like vanguard detachment of the international communist movement.

Although he was born Kim Song Ju originally his comrades first named him  Han Byol meaning  morning star . Later his comrades called him Il Sung meaning future sun. Indeed the great leader President Kim Il Sung became the sun of the Korean people but also the sun of the world people.

The Juche idea the guiding compass of independence was authored by the great leader President Kim Il Sung during the years of the anti-Japanese armed struggle. Today the Juche Idea is studied all over the world with over a 1,000 groups for the study of the Juche Idea the first one was  formed in Mali, west Africa in 1969. A World Congress on the Juche Idea was held in April 2012 and was attended by over 300 delegates including our own delegation from the Juche Idea Study Group of England.

Visiting the Tower of the Juche Idea which has pride of place on the riverside of the River Taedong one could really see that the Juche Idea towers above all other ideologies. Looking at the 170 metre high tower I got an overwhelming sense of the absolute truth of Juche, that it is the ideology that everyone should follow. The imperialists and reactionaries oppose the Juche Idea but its attraction is growing stronger and stronger even though the enemy does everything to obstruct the study of the Juche Idea.

Based on the great Juche idea People's Korea, founded by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , became a powerful state of Juche in ideology, independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in national. The DPRK is known is the most independent nation on the face of the planet , this is thanks to Juche and thanks to the leadership of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG which is today carried forward by the dear respected leader  Marshal KIM JONG UN who has put forward the great self-development first idea.

I have visited the International Friendship Exhibition in the Scenic Mt Myohyang several times .It would take many days if not weeks or even months  to see the whole exhibition. Here I learnt of the deep reverence of the world revolutionary and progressive people for the great revolutionary leader President KIM IL SUNG who was the great elder of the international communist and working class movement.

President KIM IL SUNG received gifts large and small from the heads of socialist countries and the communist and workers parties. Probably the largest gifts were the trains sent by J V Stalin and Chairman Mao Zedong of China.

There are some 36,000 gifts sent to the great Leader comrade KIM IL SUNG by different people throughout the world, everyone from humble workers to state and party leaders has gifts exhibited there. You will see the train sent by Chairman Mao Zedong of Peoples China and the bullet proof car sent by Stalin as well gifts from the likes of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Col Qaddafi, Yasser Arafat, Sukarno and Allende. and many others. We also saw the gifts that we had presented to the great leader President KIM IL SUNG in 1994. The thousands of gifts do not represent mere diplomacy but reflect the deep and massive respect of the world people for the great leader President KIM IL SUNG.

The great leader President KIM IL SUNG was venerated by numerous revolutionary figures of the world for example the late President Fidel Castro of Cuba said  as follows Comrade Kim Il Sung is one of the most distinguished, outstanding and heroic socialist leaders of the present world. His history is one of the most beautiful histories of a revolutionary serving the cause of socialism.

Chairman Mao Ze Dong of China said "The fate of the world revolution and the international communist movement are on your shoulders, Comrade Kim Il Sung. I wish you long life and good health. This is my last wish".

The world people look up to the great leader President KIM IL SUNG with deep respect, they look upon him as the sun . Glory to the eternal Red sun of Juche , great President KIM IL SUNG!***

Dr Dermot Hudson
President Association For the Study of  Songun Politics UK
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Chairman UK Korean Friendship Association
Chairman UK Preparatory Committee for 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu
Member International Committee For the Study of Songun Politics

Thursday 19 January 2017

Action Program of Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for "Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu"

Action Program of APRPC
The year 2017, which will serve as the turning point in the history of highly praising and immortalizing the revolutionary lives and exploits of the great persons of Mt Paektu of Korea, who made undying contributions to the cause of global independence, has dawned.
In response to the appeal made by the International Preparatory Committee to elevate the atmosphere of praising the great leaders of Korea by launching the celebration activities on the international scale, the Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu„ has held, in Karachi, Pakistan, the Asia-Pacific Regional E-seminar on the subject of "General KIM JONG UN and Today's Korea” from Jan 8th to 10th to enumerate the greatness and achievements of the respected His Excellency KIM JONG UN who is carrying forward the revolutionary cause of the leaders of the preceding generations with excellence.
The participants in the E-seminar highly praised His Excellency KIM JONG UN as the Sun of humanity in the 21st century with unanimity, who is building up the DPR of Korea into the invincible power and the mighty bulwark of anti-imperialist and independent forces by dint of matchless grit, iron will, people-loving policy and seasoned leadership.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu” announces its action program as follows in order to add lustre to the greatness and exploits of the Great Persons in Korea and to greet the forthcoming grand international festival in August in this year in which we mark the 105th birthday of HE President KIM IL SUNG, the 75th birthday of HE               KIM JONG IL and 5th anniversary of HE KIM JONG UN’ s election into the highest post of the Party and State of Korea.
1. We shall organize and hold the colorful regional and national events in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu to demonstrate the boundless admiration of the world's progressive peoples for the peerlessly great persons of Korea, who made immortal contributions to the cause of global independence.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee and the national preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in the region will present the gifts, floral baskets, congratulatory messages and letters with the reverent admiration for the great persons of Mt Paektu on the Day of the Sun, the Day of the Shining Star and other occasions.
All the preparatory committees in the Asia-Pacific region will stage different events including celebration gatherings, seminars, film show, lectures on the Day of the Sun, the Day of the Shining Star and other major holidays and occasions, in the very spirit that has started this meaningful year with the significant celebration activity.
In particular, as this April marks the 105th birthday of HE President KIM IL SUNG, the 24th anniversary of electing HE KIM JONG IL Chairman of the Defense Commission of the DPR of Korea and the 5th anniversary of HE KIM JONG UN’ s election into the highest post of the Party and State of Korea, we will organize the regional E-seminar on the greatness and immortal exploits of the great persons of Mt Paektu with excellence.
At the same time, we will engage actively in writing and authoring the books and literary works that laud the greatness of the ideas and leadership of the great persons of Mt Paektu and their noble virtues, as well as introducing the true appearance of Korea
2. We shall launch energetic solidarity activities in support for the Korean people in their just cause to push ahead with the building of the reunified thriving nation, true to the line of the national reunification set forth by the great persons of Mt Paektu.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee and all the national preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in the region will give wide publicity to the immortal exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu dedicated to the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea, as in this year we mark the 45th anniversary of issuing the July 4 Joint Declaration and the 10th anniversary of issuing the Oct 4 Declaration.
Besides, we will conduct the brisk activities in support for and solidarity with the Korean people in their righteous cause to build the thriving and powerful reunified country true to the just and fair line for the national reunification set forth by the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu, despite of all sorts of challenges and difficulties of history.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017- Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, in close contact with the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for Peaceful Reunification of Korea, will issue press releases and statements that urge to secure the peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the region by withdrawing the US troops stationed in south Korea and turning the Armistice Agreement into the stable peace mechanism, thus contributing to arousing the international public opinion in favor of the urgent nature of Korea' s reunification.
3. We shall actively contribute to organizing and holding the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu splendidly as the grand international gathering where the peerlessly great persons of Korea are highly lauded.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee, the national preparatory committees and the organizations of friendship and solidarity with the Korean people, and individuals from all walks of life will actively join in the erection of the Monument in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu in  Mt Paektu region on the occasion of the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu, as stipulated in the official statement issued by the International Preparatory Committee at the very outset of this meaningful year.
All the preparatory committees within the region will send the delegations to the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu this August to give the reins to the boundless admiration and applause for the great persons of Mt Paektu, thus making active contributions to the successful holding of the festival. 
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee, supporting and endorsing once again the Appeal and the Official Statement of the International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, will further elevate the seething enthusiasm to praise the great persons of Mt Paektu, closely cooperating with all the regional and national preparatory committees across the world.
Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Committee for
“Gathering 2017-Praise to Great Persons of Mt Paektu”

Official Statement of International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”

January 8, 2017

Organizations and individuals from all walks of life in various countries across the world, who aspire to genuine international justice and sustainable peace and prosperity, greeted the auspicious year of 2017 in great joy and festivity.
This year is a meaningful year in which we mark the 105th birthday and 75th birthday of President KIM IL SUNG and His Excellency KIM JONG IL respectively, who have made undying contributions to freedom and independence of Korea and its prosperity and development, and to accomplishment of the cause of global independence, and the 5th anniversary of election of His Excellency KIM JONG UN, who is faithfully carrying forward the cause of leaders of preceding generations, into the highest post of the party and the state of Korea.
International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” , in its inaugural ceremony held last year in October, decided to hold an international grand gathering in praise of peerlessly great persons in Mt Paektu area and Pyongyang in August this year, a month which is associated with exploits of President KIM IL SUNG for Korea’ s liberation and feats of His Excellency KIM JONG IL for Songun leadership.
In order to fully demonstrate the boundless admiration of the world’s progressive peoples towards the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu and to glorify their greatness and immortal exploits for good, International Preparatory Committee declares as follows;
We shall erect the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu in Mt Paektu area which is deeply associated with the immortal exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt Paektu.
President KIM IL SUNG, His Excellency KIM JONG IL, and His Excellency                      KIM JONG UN are enjoying the boundless admiration of the world’s progressive peoples as the great persons of Mt Paektu and the Sun of mankind along with Mt Paektu, which is the symbol and spirit of Korea.
We shall magnificently erect the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu on occasion of the forthcoming event, reflecting the ardent desire and inflexible will of progressive mankind to accomplish the cause of global independence by upholding noble intentions of the peerlessly great persons.
International Preparatory Committee will be in charge of erection of the monument, and entrusts the Korean Preparatory Committee with its practical arrangements.
International Preparatory Committee for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” would like to take this opportunity to call upon all the progressive peoples of the world, including the preparatory committees across the world, friendship and solidarity organizations with the Korean people, international democratic organizations and individuals from various circles to actively participate in erection of the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu.
We shall hold the future events in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu under the name of  “International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”, adding sequence numbers into its title.
The progressive peoples of the world have made visits to the scared place of the Sun on regular basis, highly praising the peerlessly great persons, in compliance with Declaration of Mt Paektu issued at the “Gathering to Greet the Sun of the 21st Century” held in 2002 on occasion of the 60th birth anniversary of the great His Excellency KIM JONG IL.
Reflecting the unanimous desire of the world’s progressive peoples to immortalize the august name and exploits of the peerlessly great persons by organizing and holding an event in praise of the great persons of Mt Paektu more splendidly as a regular international event, we shall indicate sequence numbers of the event, while naming the future event as “International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”.
In this respect, “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” will be  the 5th International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt Paektu, according to the sequence order of events held in praise of the great persons so far.
Erection of the Monument to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu and the International Festival will be momentous events of historic significance in fully demonstrating to the entire world the boundless admiration and respect of the world’s progressive peoples towards the peerlessly great persons.
International Preparatory Committee will fully discharge its responsibility and duty in marking this year as the meaningful year of a turning point in the activities of progressive mankind to praise the revolutionary lives and greatness of the great persons of Mt Paektu, who have accumulated the undying feats in the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.
Preparatory committees for “Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu” in various countries, friendship and solidarity organizations with the Korean people, and international democratic organizations shall advance vigorously towards the grand festival of August, enveloping the whole world with seething enthusiasm for praising the great persons of Mt Paektu.
 International Preparatory Committee for
“Gathering 2017-Praise to the Great Persons of Mt Paektu”

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Int'l Preparatory Committee for Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu Sends Appeal to World Progressives

  Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- The international preparatory committee for 2017 Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu sent an appeal to all progressive people in the world on Oct. 6.
    The appeal said that the year 2017 marks the 105th birth anniversary of President
Kim Il Sung, the 75th birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il and the 5th anniversary of Marshal Kim Jong Un's election to the top posts of the party and state of the DPRK.
    The international preparatory committee decided to hold the meeting, an international event of world progressives, in Mt. Paektu and Pyongyang in the DPRK in August next year associated with the exploits Kim Il Sung performed for the country's liberation and Kim Jong Il's Songun leadership feats, the appeal noted, and went on:
    Let us stir up the atmosphere of praising the great persons of Mt. Paektu through brisk celebration events worldwide for lauding their undying exploits on the significant holidays in 2017.
    Let us celebrate with splendor the birth anniversary of H.E. Kim Jong Un in January next year and conduct brisk colorful political and cultural activities till December marking the birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk in the wake of the celebrations of the Day of the Shining Star and the Day of the Sun and thus make the whole year of 2017 clad in festive mood.
    Let us make the great feats performed by the great persons of Mt. Paektu always known to the whole world and glorify them for all ages.
    Let us highly praise the great ideology and leadership of the great persons of Mt. Paektu and their noble virtues and conduct positive activities for writing and creating books and literary and art works introducing the reality of the DPRK.
    Let us stage wide-ranging international solidarity activities for supporting the just cause of the Korean people.
    The international preparatory committee will creditably fulfill its responsibility and duty in ensuring international celebrations of significant year 2017 and making preparations for the successful holding of the meeting in close touch with the regional and national preparatory committees, the organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people in different countries and the international democratic bodies. -0

Wednesday 1 June 2016

NO TO EU SANCTIONS ON PEOPLE'S KOREA ! say KFA branches of Europe !

NO TO EU SANCTIONS ON PEOPLE'S KOREA ! say KFA branches of Europe !

Europe wide statement of the Korean Friendship Association

Branches of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) in the UK, Ireland ,Spain,Basque Country, Belgium, Netherlands ,Denmark,Switzerland, and Poland and also European Preparatory Committee for the Grand Meeting to Praise the Great Persons of Mt Paektu issued  a joint statement on the recent imposition of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK);
  On the 27th of May the European Union(EU) announced harsh sanctions against the DPRK , on top of the ones announced in April by EU and in addition to long standing EU sanctions against the DPRK.
  These sanctions are draconian in the extreme as they ban any ships and aircraft from entering the DPRK as well the curtailment of economic co-operation and restrictions on banking.
  The EU's justification for this is spurious .The EU claims it is because of nuclear and missile tests carried out by the DPRK. They ignore the fact that it is the independent and sovereign right of the DPRK  to take self-defensive measures such as nuclear and missile tests in response to the threats to the DPRK's independence posed by US imperialism . The DPRK has only carried only 0.18 per cent of the world's nuclear tests. However EU member states have carried out nearly 15 per cent of the world's nuclear tests.The EU has 500 nuclear warheads held by some of its member states. Several EU member states also have ballistic missiles. The EU is a major arms trader. Thus the EU's condemnation of the DPRK is extremely hypocritical.
  The EU sanctions against the DPRK is a mean device to to attempt to impede the building of socialism in the DPRK and undermine the DPRK's sovereignty . They are a hostile act
   We demand the EU revokes the sanctions against the DPRK  at
once !
KFA United Kingdom
KFA Ireland
KFA Spain
KFA Switzerland
KFA Belgium
KFA Basque Country
KFA Netherlands
KFA Poland
KFA Denmark
European Regional Preparatory Committee to Praise the Great Persons born
UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektuof Mt Paektu

Friday 6 May 2016




Im kommenden Jahr 2017 werden der 105. Geburtstag des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, der 75. Geburtstag des Generalsekretärs Kim Jong Il und der 5. Jahrestag der Wahl Seiner Exzellenz Kim Jong Un zum Ersten Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) und zum Ersten Vorsitzenden der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) gefeiert.
Diese Festtage werden von allen Menschen der Welt, die die gerechte Sache des koreanischen Volkes unterstützen, würdevoll gefeiert.
Die Verdienste der grossen Männer vom Päktu-Gebirge werden den Weg des koreanischen Volkes und der fortschrittlichen Menschheit ewig erhellen.
Präsident Kim Il Sung begründete die grosse Juche-Ideologie und leitete eine neue Aera der Unabhängigkeit und der Emanzipation der Menschheit ein. Er befreite Korea von der brutalen Kolonialherrschaft des japanischen Imperialismus und gründete die DVRK, machte damit aus dem koreanischen Volk ein unabhängiges und mächtiges revolutionäres Volk und führte die Koreanische Volksarmee (KVA) im Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg zum historischen Sieg. Gemäss seiner Maxime Das Volk ist mein Gott erbaute er das sozialistische Korea, einen auf die Volksmassen gestützten unabhängigen sozialistischen Staat.
Der grosse Führer General Kim Jong Il proklamierte die Songun-Politik zur Politikmethode des sozialistischen Korea. Er erwarb sich ausserordentliche Verdienste um die Leitung des sozialistischen Aufbaus während Jahrzehnten und schuf das Fundament für ein mächtiges und blühendes Land des Juche auf der Basis der selbstständigen Entwicklung. Dank seiner Songun-Politik und -Führung wurde die DVRK eine Weltraumnation und baute eine militärische Macht zur Abschreckung der imperialistischen Kriegstreiber auf.
Der Erste Sekretär Kim Jong Un verwandelt nun die DVRK in eine politische, ideologische, militärische und ökonomische Macht von Weltklasse und erfüllt damit die Vermächtnisse und Weisungen des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und des Generalsekretärs Kim Jong Il für den Aufbau einer blühenden sozialistischen Nation.
Die grossen Führer Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il wirkten mit Herz und Seele für die nationale Wiedervereinigung und einen dauerhaften Frieden in Korea. Der Erste Sekretär Kim Jong Un setzt ihren Kampf für dieses höchste Ziel des koreanischen Volkes loyal fort. Sie leiteten eine Aera der Unabhängigkeit ein und wirkten für die Freiheit und das Glück des Volkes, für die nationale Wiedervereinigung, den Frieden und das Wohl der Menschheit.
In Würdigung dieser unsterblichen Verdienste werden sie als die grossen Männer vom Päktu-Gebirge in höchsten Ehren gehalten.

Im Oktober letzten Jahres versammelten sich Vertreter von Organisationen der Freundschaft und Solidarität mit dem koreanischen Volk aus aller Welt in Pyongyang und veröffentlichten einen Appell an die fortschrittliche Menschheit, im Jahr 2017 eine grosse internationale Versammlung im Päktu-Gebirge, dem Symbol des Geistes von Korea, abzuhalten, um die grossen Männer zu lobpreisen.
Wir, die wir in der europäischen Region die gerechte Sache des koreanischen Volkes aktiv unterstützen, heissen die vorgeschlagene "Grosse Versammlung von 2017 zur Lobpreisung der grossen Männer vom Päktu-Gebirge" wärmstens willkommen und haben die Ehre, der fortschrittlichen Menschheit mitzuteilen, dass das Europäische Regionale Vorbereitungskomitee für die grosse Versammlung von 2017 zur Lobpreisung der grossen Männer vom Päktu-Gebirge, dem prominente Persönlichkeiten des politischen und gesellschaftlichen Lebens angehören, gegründet wurde. Es wird von diesem Jahr an in einer festlichen Stimmung die Vorbereitungen für die Feier des 105. Geburtstages des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, des 75. Geburtstages des Generalsekretärs Kim Jong Il und des 5. Jahrestages der Wahl des obersten Führers Kim Jong Un in die höchsten Aemter von Partei, Staat und Armee kraftvoll vorantreiben.
Das Europäische Regionale Vorbereitungskomitee wird die diversen Aktivitäten wie Seminare, Gedenkversammlungen, Kulturdarbietungen und Filmabende in den Ländern der Region koordinieren.
Das Europäische Regionale Vorbereitungskomitee wird die Bevölkerung der Länder der Region über die brillanten Verdienste, das grosse Leben und die noble Persönlichkeit des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, Seiner Exzellenz Kim Jong Il und Seiner Exzellenz Kim Jong Un sowie über die Realität in Korea informieren.
Das Komitee wird die Völker dieser Länder auch zur aktiven Unterstützung des gerechten Kampfes des koreanischen Volkes für die nationale Wiedervereinigung und den Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel mobilisieren. Es wird dem von den USA-manipulierten Medien verbreiteten falschen Bild der DVRK entgegentreten. Es wird das sozialistische Korea kraftvoll und energisch gegen die Lügenpropaganda der feindlichen Kräfte und gegen die reaktionären Anti-DVRK-Kampagnen verteidigen.
Wir rufen alle europäischen Organisationen der Freundschaft und Solidarität mit dem koreanischen Volk zur Gründung nationaler Vorbereitungskomitees für die Feier des Tages der Sonne und des Tages des Leuchtenden Sterns vom Jahr 2017 auf, um die Geburtstage des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und des Generalsekretärs Kim Jong Il festlich zu feiern und die Verdienste der grossen Führung des Ersten Sekretärs Kim Jong Un, der ihr Werk brillant fortsetzt, bekanntzumachen.
Der bevorstehende 7. Parteitag der PdAK wird das Tor zur rosigen Zukunft Koreas weit aufstossen und ein goldenes Zeitalter des Aufbaus einer blühenden Nation eröffnen.
Deshalb werden wir über die Resultate des 7. Parteitags der PdAK ausführlich informieren. Der Parteitag ist ein weiteres glanzvolles historisches Ereignis und ein grosser Meilenstein der Songun-Revolution.
Wir werden den Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und den Generalsekretär Kim Jong Il ewig in höchsten Ehren halten und Seine Exzellenz Kim Jong Un als den grossen Fortsetzer ihres Werkes preisen.

Europäisches Regionales Vorbereitungskomitee
für die grosse Versammlung von 2017 zur
Lobpreisung der grossen Männer vom

Vereinigungen der Freundschaft und Solidarität
mit dem koreanischen Volk in der
europäischen Region

Europäisches Regionales Komitee für die
friedliche Wiedervereinigung Koreas

29. April 2016